Sustainability and Our Values



At Hıdıroğlu Group of Companies, we place sustainability at the core of all our activities. We embrace an environmentally and resource-conscious approach to production to leave a more livable world for future generations.

  • Eco-Friendly Production: By using technologies that improve energy efficiency, we reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the conservation of natural resources.
  • Resource Efficiency: We optimize our production processes to minimize environmental impacts.
  • Innovation and Technology: With innovative solutions, we lead the industry in sustainable food production.
  • Social Benefit: Through social responsibility projects, we aim to add value to society and improve people's quality of life.

Our commitment to respect for nature and sustainability is the foundation of all our business processes. We work not only for today, but with the future in mind.

Our Ethical Values

As Hıdıroğlu Group of Companies, we view our work not just as a production activity but also as a responsibility towards society, our employees, and our stakeholders. Our ethical values guide all our business processes:

  • Honesty and Trust: We build long-term, trust-based relationships through transparent and honest communication.
  • Justice and Equality: We respect the rights of everyone, from our employees to our customers, and adopt an equitable approach.
  • Respect for People: We support the development of our employees and provide a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Social Responsibility: We fulfill our responsibilities with projects that are sensitive to the needs of society, working towards a better world.

Our ethical values strengthen the trust that our customers and stakeholders place in us, based on an approach that is honest, fair, and respectful.